Best Ayurvedic Hospital in Wayanad

Anzi's Ayurveda
Your Ayurvedic Healthcare Partner

Best Ayurvedic Hospital in Wayanad

Anzi's Ayurveda
Your Ayurvedic Healthcare Partner

Our Treatments


When it comes to detoxification through Ayurveda, Panchakarma is undoubtedly the most effective and widely accepted method.

Disease Oriented Care

While prevention is always better than cure, if one falls sick unfortunately, Ayurveda brings on board a wide variety of treatment methods for a permanent cure.

Summer Treatment

Summer, the season of Pitta, needs to be handled carefully and at Anzi’s, the best Ayurveda resort in Kerala, we offer a cooling summer treatment that combines a wide variety of relaxation therapies for both body and mind.

Monsoon Treatment

Anzi’s Ayurveda Health Centre offers personalized monsoon treatment to maintain one’s health at its best known as Karkataka Chikitsa, a season marred by rain.

Rejuvenative Care

Known as one of the most effective treatment methods in Ayurveda, rejuvenation therapy, offered by Anzi’s, helps people improve and enhance the quality of life through “Panchakarma” and “Rasayana Chikitsa”.

Winter Nourishing Treatment

It’s a vital treatment method during winter, which in Ayurveda is called the Vata season and it helps moisturize the body and retain vitals that make skin soft and supple.

It’s all about body and mind

Based on the concept of holistic healing, in Ayurveda, it is important to achieve mind and body coordination for the treatment to be effective. So, all treatment protocols address mind and body together. Ayurveda focuses on achieving harmony or balance of the three vital humors (doshas): Vata, Pitta and Kapha to maintain proper health condition of an individual. The imbalance of these three vital humors in human body creates diseases. So, all Ayurvedic treatment protocols focus on and correct the physical and mental aspects of individuals. 

Based on the concept of holistic healing, in Ayurveda, it is important to achieve mind and body coordination for the treatment to be effective. So, all treatment protocols address mind and body together. Ayurveda focuses on achieving harmony or balance of the three vital humors (doshas): Vata, Pitta and Kapha to maintain proper health condition of an individual. The imbalance of these three vital humors in human body creates diseases. So, all Ayurvedic treatment protocols focus on and correct the physical and mental aspects of individuals. 

About Us

Founded in March 2008 by Dr. Anzi Mohammed and Mrs. Maya Christina Nyffenegger, the center runs under the company named Anzi’s Ayurveda Health Care Center Private Limited in which Dr. Anzi Mohammed, Maya Christina Nyffenegger and Dr. Jhansi are the directors. Dr. Anzi is the MD and Chief Physician of the center, located in Wayanad District, Kerala. Dr. Anzi completed his graduation from Jagadguru Sree Shivarathreeshwara Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore and completed his post-graduation in Master Of Hospital Administration, DNY, and Yoga from Acharya Vasudevan’s Yoga Deeptha Gurukulam. He also completed his training in Marma Chikitsa (Marma Points Therapy) from Thirumoolar Varmology Institute. With more than 18 years of experience in the field of Ayurveda, Dr. Anzi is a well-known Ayurveda physician in Kerala who specializes in Neurological Diseases mainly in ALS, MS, Transverse Myelitis, Stroke, Diabetic Neuropathy, MND, Dystonia, Sciatica, Muscular Dystrophy, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Insomnia, Spinal Cord Compression, Bells Palsy, Paraplegia, Hemiplegia, etc. In order to spread awareness about Ayurveda, he has visited many countries such as Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria, Africa, Dubai, Oman and Qatar to conduct several classes and consultations.

What Do Our Clients Think of Us

Alles begann mit der Idee einen Freund in New Delhi zu besuchen. Ganz kurzfristig fiel mir dann zu Hause ein Flyer von Anzis Ayurveda in die Hand und ich beschloss Maya zu kontaktieren ob ich in meiner zweiten Indien Woche auf eine Besuch vorbeischauen dürfte. Wir kannten uns vorher noch nicht. Maya willigte mir zu und ich freute Michaud eine weitere Station meines Indien Tripp. Es stellte sich jedoch schnell heraus, dass es viel mehr war als eine Indien Reise. Für mich begann hier eine Lebensreise. Ich bekam von Dr. Anzi und Maya Antworten zu meinem Leben nach welchen ich schon seit 2 Jahren auf der Suche bin. Die Befreiung und die gewonnene Kraft in mir ist mit Worten kaum zu beschreiben.
> Ich danke Dr. Anzi, Maya und dem ganzen Team aus tiefstem Herzen für die wunderbare Erfahrung zu Körper; Geist und Seele.
> Mein Herz durfte Heilung erfahren und ich durfte alles loslassen.
> Thank you very much

Daniel Müller

Was für unvergessliche wunderbare 2 Wochen!!!!
> Gestärkt, reich gefüllt mit Gutem und voller Dankbarkeit fahre ich nach Hause.
> Die Zaubermittel waren vor allem Zuwendung und die Natur.
> Danke Maya und Dr. Anzi dass ihr immer für mich da wart und mich – egal ob lachend oder weinend – aufgefangen habt.
> Danke für innere und äussere Berührungen.
> Danke, dass ich einen Einblick in das Leben der Menschen hier bekommen durfte.
> thank you, Jhansi for the delicious food. I enjoyed it every day.
> Thank you Nisha, Nidhin, and Biju for your smile, your kindness and the pampering.
> I`m sure that I will connect back again.

Gabriele Dorn

Dearest Maya und Dr. Anzi
> Ghandi had sad, for a beautiful Life we all needs to be Artistin life and not live within creations of others. You both created here in Anzis Ayurveda a new world. You give the world something special. I’m very glad that i met. This wonderful place. I wish you both very much spirit to go on, and the best there is.
> The Staff, Nisha, Nisha, Nidhin Biju, Jhansi, Subeesh Chinchu and last but not least Sahanna. i thank you very much for all what you have done for me. It was great and wonderful. I have enjoyed the 4 weeks here. I hope you have a good time, be happy en healthy. I’m sure that i m coming again to you. With lot of love

Nell Beerens

Was ich hier erleben durfte war viel mehr als ich erwarten konnte. Es war und ist für mich eine Riesen Chance mit Hilfe von Maya und Dr. Anzi an meinen Themen zu arbeiten.
> Hier wird der Mensch wirklich als Ganzheit wahrgenommen und es wird auch entsprechend gehandelt. Für mich es aussergewöhnlich so viel Zeit für sich selber zu haben, es war ein spannendes und bereichernder Abenteuer.
> Auch Maya und Dr. Anzi haben sich viel Zeit genommen und mich auf meinem Weg begleitet, einfach wunderbar.
> Von der medizinischer Versorgung Mittelloser bis bis zum biologischen Anbau wird alles miteinander Vernetzt und Verwoben, eben ganzheitlich.
> Das spürt man auch beim tollen Personal, die gute Stimmung untereinander spricht für sich. Es ist ein Familiärer Rahmen, wo jeder auf den anderen achtet.
> Ich hoffe, dass dieses Projekt sich weiter Entwickelt und freue mich auf ein nächstes Mal.
> alles Liebe

Thomas Schegg

Dear Anzi
Here is our rating:
We were warmly welcomed at the Ayurvedic Center. The care during our stay was very individual, sensitive and loving. The personality of Dr. Anzi with his extraordinary skills is impressive both personally and profesinally.
The wonderful Ayurvedic food and the very pleasant massages make a significant contribution to the patient feels cared for here.
We can warmly recommend a stay in this center to everyone. We are simply thrilled.
Elsbeth und Christian Ettinger

Elsbeth and Christian Ettinger

Wayanad is the ideal location for Ayurveda

No prize for guessing this one. Wayanad boasts of a rich history of Ayurvedic medicines, primarily because of the abundance of spices and herbs that grow in this area. That’s why people from different parts of the globe head to Wayanad for Ayurvedic treatments. 

Get in touch

Edakombum Road,
Pachilakkad Kaniyambatta P O, Wayanad Kerala – 673122
Contact Us

Phone : +91 8943 509 500 

Phone : +91 9526 597 447

Email :

Our Hours

MON-FRI 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

6:30 AM – 9:30PM