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Ayurveda: Tips for the winter season

With the winter season just around the corner, it’s time to take a look at how to keep you healthy and safe with the help of Ayurveda. Dr. Anzee Mohammed, MD & Chief Physician at Anzee’s Ayurvedic Healthcare Center, the best Ayurveda hospital in Wayanad, shares some important tips for the winter season. 

Ayurveda for every season

Since Ayurveda derives its roots from Mother Nature, this form of treatment has different methods of treatments and nourishment for every season, says Dr. Anzee. At Anzee’s Ayurveda Healthcare Center, the best Ayurvedic hospital in Kerala, experienced physicians have come up with a number of highly effective remedies and precautionary measures based on the principles of Ayurveda for various seasons. Winter is definitely a season that affects the health of individuals in more ways than one. 

Winter is ‘cool’ but you need to stay warm

According to Dr. Anzee, winter is typically a season of laziness. It is also known as the Kapha season, highlighting one of the three doshas in Ayurveda. Dr. Anzee says it is extremely important for individuals to stay warm during the winter season. In Ayurveda, turmeric is used extensively to keep individuals warm. Dr. Anzee recommends turmeric milk to stay warm during winter. “Turmeric milk helps you keep warm and it also helps prevent cold,” he adds. The other benefits of turmeric milk include boosting the immune system, curing body ache and skin care. 

Immunity boosting: key to good health during winter 

At Anzee’s Ayurveda Healthcare Center, the best Ayurvedic hospital in Wayanad, well trained and experienced physicians give predominant importance to boosting the immunity of individuals during the winter season. Winter is often referred to as a season when diseases such as flu, fever and cold affect individuals. Dr. Anzee says it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow the instructions provided by your physicians. Ayurveda is a highly effective method during winter to boost your immune system. Dr. Anzee says Bala herb is predominantly used to boost immunity in individuals. Bala, which basically means “strength”, is used to improve the overall stamina of the body. It also helps strengthen bones, muscles and joints. In Ayurveda, Dr. Anzee says, effective treatment methods using Bala are carried out not just to boost the physical immunity but it also takes care the psychological and spiritual immunity of an individual and that’s what sets Ayurveda apart from other treatment systems. Dr. Anzee says one’s immune system is affected adversely by a number of reasons such as an unhealthy lifestyle, age and of course seasons.  What Bala basically does it gives strength to one’s body and mind to ward off issues that may affect one’s immunity and result in various diseases, especially during winter. Dr. Anzee says immunity has three levels; Hereditary (Sahaj), Seasonal (Kalaj) and Established (Yuktikrit), adding that Ayurveda gives a lot of importance to seasonal immunity. He says winter is a season in which our digestive system works better compared to other seasons, so it is a good time to boost immunity.

Following simple steps is key 

At Anzee’s Ayurveda Healthcare Center, the best Ayurvedic hospital in Kerala, physicians take special care of their guests during winter and provide them with a few tips to stay safe and health during the winter season. 

  • Using Ayurvedic herbal medicines
  • Taking less stress
  • Proper sleep and rest
  • Practicing yoga 
  • Exercising regularly 
  • Drinking hot/warm beverages 
  • Following a healthy diet 

Diet for winter 

Dr. Anzee says it’s extremely important to follow a strict diet during the winter season. Whatever one eats during winter should be easily digestible. It is always recommended that individuals include natural Ayurvedic food items that naturally enhance the immune system. He adds that food items such as fresh milk, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and ghee are highly recommended during winter. He strictly warns individuals against eating food items made with chemicals or preservatives. Also on the banned list are canned or frozen or packaged food. He recommends having homemade food as much as possible. Dr. Anzee says it’s better for individuals to consult an experienced physician at Anzee Ayurveda Health Center, the best Ayurveda hospital in Wayanad for proper advice and guidance to sail through the winter season safe and healthy. 

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